Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Toy Story 3 World Premier

  Leslie and I joke about the “toil and trouble” we deal with on a daily basis. Like Florists and Caterers, we actually produce a product. With production comes clean up, and maintenance. Leslie loves to tweet pictures of me mopping, or scrubbing something. Hey, its all part of what we do. And, we wouldn’t change a thing! Besides, sometimes, we get to do some cool stuff.
  This last year we were asked by the Disney to be a part of their Toy Story 3 Fun Zone at the famous El Capitan Theater for the World Premier of Toy Story 3. It happened to fall on Tim Allen’s birthday, so we were asked to make him a Toy Story themed birthday cake also.
  All the characters were there, and it was a Star-studded day.
   Leslie and I love Toy Story! She cries, and I cheer. In fact a case could be made that Leslie is Buzz, “falling with style”, and I’m Woody trying to keep the whole gang together. 
  We have some great friends that are also Toy Story fans, so we invited Holly Durst and Holly Steen to join us for the day. Holly D saved me in our booth. We were swamped from the moment the invited guests joined us in the Fun Zone, till the end of the event. Holly and I passed out desserts to Randy Newman, Carol King, Weird Al, Chris Harrison, Most of the cast of American Idol, Quinton Aaron ( Big Mike from the Blind Side) and almost the entire cast of Toy Story 3. Holly Steen (Cakes and Kisses Photography) took all the pics you see here, plus helped Leslie in the VIP room, setting up Mr. Allen’s Cake.

   We had an awesome display of desserts. Four kinds of Cake Pops, three different Cake Shooters, Mini cupcakes, and my special Half dipped chocolate chip and toffee cookies. We didn't have one item left at the end of the day!

   Leslie designed a simple 4 tier square cake decorated to look like a stack of birthday presents in which Buzz is bursting out of the top box, using all the primary colors used in the film. Buzz himself is entirely hand made out of sugar paste, and was quite a challenge. Disney sent us a Buzz action figure, but Leslie wanted to make it all edible. When Mr. Allen was leaving he asked us if he could keep Buzz, and Leslie and I felt great about that!


The crowd was really blown away with the cake, and quite a few took pictures. Leslie was asked to pose with quite a few of them and the cake. As always, the cake was the star!

  It was a long day, but what a blast we had! Now, it was time for us to play!
  Special thanks, as always to our most special friend and Photographer, Holly Steen of Cakes and Kisses Photography. Thanks also to our pal Holly Durst who brings the party with her! We love you both, and couldn't have done this without you!


  1. What a fantastic and informative blog post.
    It is always an honor to document and be a part of the Fantasy Frostings team.

  2. As always, the work you guys do amazes me. They couldn't have picked a better suited bakery for the premiere. Congrats on a wonderful job and here's to many more!

  3. Ok..... Got my first goose bumps of the day..... Amazing Fantasy Frostings!

  4. wowweeeee I read the entire thing because there were so many pictures! Way to keep my attention! ADD usually gets the best of me but not with that blog! I love it! That was such an awesome day! I'm glad I could be there to help you guys!

  5. and i cannot believe im wearing a polo... what is the world coming to

  6. I love all the small details and little touches. For me those are things that hold the most weight when telling a story via images. Great event! and how fun is it that you got to do this!?
