Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grandpa Frostings

  Grandpa Frostings baby!

  Ok, I’m a nut about kids. We’ll get that right out in the open.
  I have two older brothers, and an older sister. I mean quite a bit older. I was the first child of a blended family. My Father had two sons when he married my Mom, who had a daughter. Growing up I was 5-10 years older than my nephews and nieces, so I was always the one that kept an eye on the kids.  It seems that I was changing diapers my whole life, which was all right with me.
  So, as an adult, I was ready for kids early. Married at 24, and a Father at 25. My oldest son who is now older than I was when I had him, just found out that he and his beautiful wife are expecting their first. Just before Christmas we learned that Leslie’s daughter, and my Step Sweetheart, was having her first baby.
  It’s safe to say that I am just freakin beside myself!
   This whole process has caused a jumble of emotions.  Not the least has been the concern that I show equal Nutty Grandpa-ness to both my children. I love my Step Daughter like she was my own, and I love my son, well, like he is my pride and joy.  If Matthew was having a baby, and he better not at this stage of his life, I would be equally jazzed because he is my baby boy and we know how the little one gets all the attention.  Even at 26.
  Now we also have the whole “Chickens coming home to roost” situation. Can I see the hands of you out there that swore you would never be like your Parents? Yeah, me too.  Now, may I see the hands of those honest enough to admit seeing your Dad/Mother in yourself at the worst possible times? Well, you haven’t seen nuttin yet. Wait until you stare down at the terrible vision of yourself, as your Father, telling YOU how to be a parent. Yeah, makes you wish you had been a little more respectful of their Grandpa nuttiness. 
  Being a Dad is tricky business.  You start out without a clue, and you are expected to just KNOW stuff. Filled with equal parts confidence and fear, you plug away with one overwhelming mission to accomplish. Turning this wonderful, loving lil human into the best adult they can be.
  “Being a good friend is more important than having a good friend” “Having and giving respect is the only way to earn it for yourself” “God loves a good sharer more than anything else” “If you want the girl you like to like you, then be kind and gentle to ALL the girls. Not just the cute ones” “If you are ever asked to dance, you dance like it’s the greatest thing you ever did” “When you meet someone, you always look them in the eye and shake their hand”
  These are some of my words of wisdom that I tried to teach my boys. Just stuff I made up in my feeble effort to teach them to be men of respect.
  Now, the pressure is off. I can let my Grandbabies stay out late and watch scary movies. I can give them Ice Cream before dinner, and let them run with scissors. Ok, maybe not that one, but you get the idea.  I can take my equal parts of pride in my children and fear that they will love the other Grandpa more, and just go with it. I can be the best Grandpa Frostings that I can be, knowing that they have the wise and loving guidance of smart, respectful and competent parents.
  My children are up to the challenge of raising their kids as they see fit.  And, if they're not, I can still ground their asses.

Random Wedding Cake pic, to prove I'm a Wedding blogger.
(another awesome Callaway-Gable photograph)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the beautiful Miramonte Resort, Palm Springs!

  Leslie and I ran away for a few days to get our heads together, take stock of the year that was and talk about 2011. I also managed to get in a freezing round of golf, head bob to a killer cover band and drink too many margaritas.

   I guess the obvious questions are "Why are you blogging, why haven't you BEEN blogging" and the one that concerns me the most " why would I want to read your blog?" Leslie would like to know the answer to that one also.
  There are some amazing, entertaining and informative blogs on the internets. Whatever itch you might have, can be scratched in the Wedding Blog world. What is it that we might offer, that isn't already beat to death?
  Well, says Mr. Frostings in his best third person voice, we will talk a little about our product, and drop some beautiful eye candy now and then. There will be cakes, desserts, and all manner of belt busting goodies available here, so we can keep our Street Blog Cred.
  I also hope to share some cool stuff our friends are up to. This is such an amazing industry, filled with fun, odd, interesting and obsessively happy people. I will try to tell that story too, now and then. We get to attend some amazing Industry Events, and they are rife with stories that need to be told. People watching, gossip and personal observations are a specialty of mine, but, fair warning, I am a firm believer that any story worth telling, is worth exaggerating. The Family refers to that as, “Earl-ing up a story”.
  My main goal here is to continue the relationship we have built on Twitter in a longer form. I would like to chat, share, engage and interact with you. I would like to help, encourage and promote your interests. Of course, that assumes that you will choose to interact with me also. I hope that the comment section will be more interesting than whatever foolishness I post, but that will depend on you, loyal Readers.
  Tell me what you think. What would you like me to talk about here? Any sage advise you wish to share?
  Mr. Frostings
